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Integrated Biomechanic Theory


Integrated Biomechanic Theory postulates that chronic, nonspecific pain experienced in the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral spine, pelvis, glenohumeral joint, and the tibio/fibular joint areas is brought about by long term mechanical noxious stimuli to the mechanical C-fiber nociceptors at the location of diffuse pain as an effect from long term sedative lifestyle or repetitive stress injury due to occupation or recreation.


The specific population suffering from the relevant problem described above is those who:

  • Have not experienced injury

  • Are not suffering from contributing illness

  • Have not been diagnosed with a pathological condition

  • Have been determined to live a sedentary lifestyle

  • The contribution of sedentary lifestyle on pain has not been properly evaluated and subsequently not been identified as a primary factor. With this negligence, clients continue to experience worsening pain

  • Or have contributing factors indicative of repetitive stress injury


Integrated Biomechanic Theory postulates that relief of noxious stimulus (neurotransmitter/modulator neuropeptide substance P, glutamate) can be achieved the application of two complimentary methods:

  • Orthopedic massage techniques on the tissues of the antagonist of the tissue experiencing pain

  • Alternate stimulus to the agonist by way of the gate theory (acetylcholine, atp) and muscle contraction through corrective exercises.

  • Muscle contraction also stimulates the fast, myelinated AB fibers in the area can induce interneurons in the dorsal horn to release GABA and glycine from the primary afferent terminal, thereby preventing depolarization of second order neurons.


Integrated Biomechanic Technique is differentiated as an invention because:

  • Instead of focusing first on the specific tissues experiencing the sensation of pain and therefore treating only the site of pain, IBT first concentrates on the antagonist tissues as a cause of tissue strain. By doing so, immediate relief of noxious stimulus through mechanical tension is achieved prior to addressing site of pain.

  • This is achieved by application of specific orthopedic massage techniques coordinated after thorough assessment of clients posture and range of motion abilities. Upon relief of noxious stimulus the body's proprioceptors have new length and tension signals to transmit.

  • The motor neurons of proprioception are larger and faster than the small slow C fibers and, utilizing the gate control theory, they provide a new signal for the body to interpret, thereby closing the gate of the dull, aching pain.

  • Once relief of the noxious stimuli is achieved by relieving the tension in the antagonist tissues, introduction of a new stimulus to the muscle is achieved through skeletal muscular contraction.

  • Through neurotransmission and neuromodulation it is now acetylcholine that is being signaled to the brain.

  • Upon completion of skeletal muscle contraction the body starts its rebuilding process, including neurogenesis, it also has new positions of proprioception, and is no longer experiencing the mechanical noxious stimuli.

  • The body's process of achieving and recovering from muscular contraction provides further stimulus to keep the pain gate closed as well as keeping the nociceptors in their proper position.


Continued treatment utilizing Integrated Biomechanic Technique will continue to reinforce proper body positioning and allow proper neural flow without disruption.

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